As you might have heard, most of the pocket watches produced at the end of XIX beginning of the XX centuries originally had their cases made of precious metals. Then, during the war, many antique pocket watch movements had become orphaned from their original cases. As the result, these movements remained uncased, and we found vigor in restoring and preserving the beautiful pieces in a functional way. By reverse-engineering antique parts, we were able to create a wristwatch case that housed the pocket watch movements in the same way as the original pocket watch case. To make these historical quality time machines wearable again, we create a modern wristwatch case individually for each movemen We produce two different types of cases that gently hold the movements: cast cases and chiseled cases. We also have some ready-to-wear stainless steel cases. The stainless steel cases usually have the bezel redesigned to make them look unique. Most of our cases are made with the exhibition bac...